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Desk/5000 – Process a return

Returns can be common depending on your business type. Learn how to process a return on a transaction from a previous day.

Note: Your device may be a different color but all instructions apply


Process a return

  1. From the Home Screen with the Chase logo, press the green [Enter] key to access the Main Menu.
  2. From the Main Menu, either press [1] on the keypad or the Return icon on the screen.
  3. Enter Manager/Supervisor password, then press the green [Enter] key.
  4. Enter the Return amount then press the green [Enter] key to continue.
  5. Terminal will prompt to "Confirm Amount", press [1] for Yes or the green [Enter] key to continue.
  6. Customer can tap, insert, swipe or key-in their card number. If chip card is used, leave it inserted until instructed to remove.
  7. Press the green [Enter] key to confirm.
  8. Terminal connects to host. Press the green [Enter] key to complete capture.
  9. Receipt prints and approval is displayed on screen. Press green [Enter] key to continue.
  10. Select [2 – Yes] on screen for “Customer Copy?” then the green [Enter] key to print.

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