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Desk/5000 – Force a credit sale

Processing offline transactions with a processor provided approval code. Learn how to force an offline transaction.

Note: Your device may be a different color but all instructions apply


Force a credit sale

  1. From the Home Screen with the Chase logo, press the green [Enter] key to access the Main Menu.
  2. From the Main Menu, select the Force icon on the screen.
  3. Key in the Manager Password if prompted then press the green [Enter] key to continue.
    • Press Yellow [<] key to Correct/Back Space.
    • Press Red [X] key to Cancel and Exit the menu.
  4. Select [1] for Credit, then press the green [Enter] key.
  5. Input the Force Sale amount and press the green [Enter] key.
  6. Customer can tap, insert, swipe or key in their card number. If chip card is used, leave inserted until instructed to remove.
  7. Key in the approval code and press the green [Enter] key.
  8. Terminal connects to host. Transaction will then be captured. 9. Press [2-Yes] on the screen or the green [Enter] key to print the customer copy.

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