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Managing a mortgage


Having a mortgage also means it's important to understand how it works from escrow to homeowners' insurance.

Learn the ins and outs of your mortgage

Digging into the details of the process, from payments to mortgage insurance to refinancing options, is essential to successfully managing a mortgage.

What is foreclosure?

Mortgage payments may become difficult to make in times of financial struggle. Learn what happens if you miss a mortgage payment and how to avoid foreclosure.

Understanding acceleration clauses in real estate

In your mortgage, there is an acceleration clause the lender can enact to request full repayment. Learn what an acceleration clause is and how it gets activated.

How soon can you refinance a mortgage?

Depending on the loan you have, how soon you can refinance your mortgage will vary. Learn about the different loans and how their refinance timelines differ.

Learn about the essentials for managing a mortgage

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