Global Audit Confirmations

As of 5/1/2023, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. acquired, among other things, certain assets of First Republic Bank from the FDIC as receiver. Effective 9/25/2023, requests should be sent to designated requestor departments under JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
This page is specific to corporate audit confirmation submission requests. For Consumer Requests such as HUD, Medicaid, or Reference Letter, or Immigration Response requests, please visit
Audit Confirmation
In preparation for the upcoming audit season, we're taking steps to ensure that your Audit Confirmation requests are handled in a timely and efficient manner.
General Information
- Requests completed by the Global Audit Confirmations teams are returned within 5 business days and within 10 business days during peak season (January – March).
- Many requests can be submitted through electronic means; you can find the specific instructions for each product as you navigate the site. Where accepted, electronic means is encouraged.
- Requests received with missing or incomplete information, or not authorized appropriately, will be returned to the requestor.
Preferred Submission Method
- Preferred method is submission via automated methods, (ex. BankVOD,, etc.). Please refer to Submission Instructions for the Responder and Form if/when using Using the incorrect forms can cause delays and even incomplete responses.
- NOTE: Requests not submitted through automated methods can take additional days for fulfillment.
- Requests sent outside of electronic methods must include a request letter authorized by an approved account owner. Account identifiers/account numbers must be included on the request letter submitted.
Batch Upload Instructions
- Some requests with multiple accounts/entities can be submitted using the Batch Upload Accounts feature on Batch Upload Accounts (Financial).
- Batch Upload is not currently available for Investment Banking products.
Required Information To Complete A Confirmation
- Signer Authorization Requirements – All incoming requests must be submitted with approval from an authorized account signer. When providing authorized signers, it's best to have individuals with "account level" authority that handle transactions and account business regularly approve your request.
- Information Required – Written requests must include an "as of" date and an account identifier or account number. Review the submission instructions and products to determine account identifier(s) needed.
Domestic Audit Confirmations Submission Instructions
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are the Pledge Code or Tax ID. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank
- Services Form: Securities
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
- Settled/Unsettled: Facility ID; CUSIP ID; MEI; ISIN; Trade Ticket, Account Type LS2; If unavailable, entity name must be exactly as listed in our JPMC applications
- VLS: Identifier is 12 digits and can begin with 4,5,or 6
- ACBS: Obligor / Obligation Number
Balances may include reserves and backdated transactions – please work directly with our JPMC client and/or JPMC account manager to receive reconcilements and/or transaction details to supplement balance confirmations.
BankVOD Instructions
- Vendor/Responder:
- Form type: Commercial Account Audit – Loan
Please submit one account/facility per request.
Questions? Please contact BankVOD at with any navigation questions. Submission Forms
Line of Credit
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank Services
- Services Form: Line of Credit or (Debt)
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Asset Based Loan
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank Services
- Form: Asset Based Lending (ABL)
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are 9 digits, numeric, and begin with 1000. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan – Commercial Bank Equipment Finance
- Form: Debt
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are 5-digit numeric or alpha numeric. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan – Futures & Options
- Form: Futures & Listed Options
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Note: Request letters must be attached with all emails and include all account numbers/identifiers to be confirmed and signed by an authorized account owner(s).
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are numeric, typically 7-8 digits, and can begin with 299, 500 etc. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank
- Services Form: Money Market Funds
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
This also applies to Commodity Derivatives, Equity Derivatives and Master Swaps – Total Return Swaps
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers include:
- SPN: Standard Party Number are 7 digits.
- UCN: Universal Counterparty Number are 12 digits.
- Trade ID: identifiers are 13 digits.
- Contract Number: 5-14 digits.
- Equity Derivatives Group Trade ID: Starts with 270WC, 260WC
- Clear deals: 6 digits
- Master Swap/Global Portfolio (MSW/GPS): Alpha-numeric, 3-character fund code Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Investment Banking
- Form: JPMC – Credit Rates OTC Derivatives
- Note: Bulk Upload option is not available for this product.
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Unique accounts can be linked to a singular universal account. Ensure you identify additional unique accounts in the comments of your request. Separate requests must be submitted for each business entity.
For faster response, include trade details with your submitted request (ex. security ID, maturity dates, quantities, etc.).
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Note: Request letters must be attached with all emails and include all account numbers/identifiers to be confirmed and signed by an authorized account owner(s).
- North America - 1-877-850-9631
- North America International - 1-212-552-0601
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are 5-digit numeric or alpha numeric - Ex - 1XXX5, P 1XXXX, etc. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Investment Banking
- Form: JPMC – Custody
- Note: Bulk Upload option is not available for this product.
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Unique accounts can be linked to a singular universal account. Ensure you identify additional unique accounts in the comments of your request. Separate requests must be submitted for each business entity.
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Note: Request letters must be attached with all emails and include all account numbers/identifiers to be confirmed and signed by an authorized account owner(s).
- North America - 1-877-850-9631
- North America International - 1-212-552-0601
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Fixed Prime Brokerage: identifiers are 8-digit and numeric (Ex. 123-45678) Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Investment Banking
- Form: JPMC – Prime Brokerage
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Unique accounts can be linked to a singular universal account. Ensure you identify additional unique accounts in the comments of your request. Separate requests must be submitted for each business entity.
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Note: Request letters must be attached with all emails and include all account numbers/identifiers to be confirmed and signed by an authorized account owner(s).
- North America - 1-877-850-9631
- North America International - 1-212-552-0601
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Provide Trade details, copy of trade tickets, or Committee on Uniform Securities Identification CUSIP or ISIN. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Investment Banking
- Form: JPMC – Money Market
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
For faster responses, include trade details with your submitted request (ex. Cass II ID, security ID, maturity dates, quantities, CAID Number, etc. in comments).
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Note: Request letters must be attached with all emails and include all account numbers/identifiers to be confirmed and signed by an authorized account owner(s).
- North America - 1-877-850-9631
- North America International - 1-212-552-0601
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers can be 10 digit alpha numeric and begin with TPTS, CTCS, P, or S or 12 digit alpha numeric and begin with NUSCGS. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank
- Services Form: Letters of Credit
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
Identifiers include, but are not limited to, the descriptions below – if you are unsure of how to locate your identifier, please consult with your JPMC service representative.
Identifiers are numeric and 6-10 digits.
BankVOD Instructions
- Vendor/Responder:
- Form type: Commercial Account Audit – Asset
Please provide all account numbers to be confirmed
Questions? Please contact BankVOD at with any navigation questions. Submission Forms
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank
- Form: Asset
- If Sweep Balance information is needed, please add a comment: Please confirm the sweep balance of the account.
- Note: One account/identifier should be submitted per request form (multiple accounts should not be listed in a single confirmation)
Questions? 1-800-550-8509
International Audit Confirmations Submission Instructions Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Hong Kong
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Hong Kong
- Form: HK – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Or send us a fax: 1-817-345-3794
Questions? +852-2800-5355 Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – India
- Form: IN – All Account Form
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – India
- Form: IN – Current Account
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Send us a fax: +9122-6646-6204 or 6542
Or mail us:
JPMorgan Operations;
JP Morgan Tower, 2nd Floor
Off C.S.T Road, Kalina Santacruz East
Mumbai 400 098, India Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Tokyo Branch
- Form: Client Consolidated
Please send us a request by mail.
Attn: Audit Confirmation
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Tokyo
7-3, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, 100-6432, Japan Submission Forms
Responder: JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Seoul Branch, Korea
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
Or mail us:
JP Morgan Chase Bank., N.A, Seoul Branch
Attn: Korea Audit Confirmation 35,
Seosomum-ro 11 gil, Jung-gu
Seoul 04516, Korea Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Philippines
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Philippines
- Form: APAC – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Clients can send emails to:
- Auditors can send emails to: or
Or mail us:
JPMorgan – Philippines Branch
30/F Zuellig Building
Makati Avenue Corner Paseo de Roxas
Makati City Philippines 1225
Questions? +63 2-878-1133 Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Singapore
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Singapore
- Form: SG – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Or mail us:
JP Morgan Bank Singapore Branch
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
88 Market Street, CapitaSpring #30-00
Singapore 048948 Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Thailand
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Thailand
- Form: APAC – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Or mail us:
JP Morgan Bank Thailand Branch
TS Operations - Audit Confirmation Request
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
G Floor, Bubhajit Building
20 North Sathorn Road
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 THAILAND
Questions? +66-2-684-2000 Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Vietnam
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Vietnam
- Form: APAC – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Or mail us:
JP Morgan Bank Vietnam Branch
Saigon Tower,
15 Floor,
29 Le Duan Street,
District 1,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Australia
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Australia
- Form: APAC – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
Send us a fax: +611 300735238
Or mail us:
Treasury Services Operations
L15, 85 Castlereagh Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Questions? 1800-079-505 Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – New Zealand
- Form: Asset
Multiple Products/Accounts
- Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – New Zealand
- Form: APAC – Client Consolidated
If you’re unable to make your request online, you can:
Send us an email:
- Client emails:
- Auditor emails: or
- 050-802-3922
- International: +612 9003 722
China Audit Confirmations
+ 400-618-7802 / +86 21-5200-2346
Preferred Method:
International Auditor: using the department and form options shown below:
- Bank Accounts
- Department: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Asia Pacific
- Form: Asset
- Multiple products – Please submit by Mail.
- All incoming requests must be submitted with approval from an authorized account signer.
- Domestic Auditor: Mail
Mailing addresses for JPMorgan Bank China branches:
896 China – Beijing
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
w19/F, Beijing Winland Finance Center
No. 7 Jinrong Street
Xicheng District, Beijing 100033, China
640 China – Shanghai
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
48st Floor, Shanhai Tower
No. 501 Yincheng Mid Road
Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120, China
435 China – Tianjin
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Unit 3808, 38/F, Tianjin World Financial Center
No. 2 North Dagu Road
Heping District, Tianjin 300022, China
967 China – Guangzhou
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Unit 2, 16F, Hejing International Finance Place
No. 8 Huaxia Road, Zhujiang Xincheng
Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510623, P.R.C.
968 China – Chengdu
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Unit 6, 7 & 8, 16/F, Shangri-La Centre
No. 9 Binjiang Road
JinJiang District, Chengdu 610021, China
970 China – Suzhou
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Room 701-702
24B Harmony Times Square
Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu 215028, China
969 China – Harbin
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Unit G, 22/F, Always Development Plaza
No. 15 Hongjun Street
Nangang District, Harbin 150001, China
971 China – Shenzhen
Audit Confirmation Processing Unit
Unit No. 03, 26/F, Tower 3, Kerry Plaza,
No. 1-1 Zhongxin 4th Road, Futian District,
Shenzhen, 518048 Submission Forms
- JP Morgan Chase Bank Berhad, Malaysia
- JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Labuan Branch, Malaysia
- JPMC Malaysia Regional Operations (Derivatives Ops)
Send us an email:
- Clients can send emails to:
- Auditors can send emails to: Submission Forms
Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Indonesia
Send us an email: Submission Forms
Bank Accounts
Responder: JPMorgan Chase NA, Canada
Form: AssetLiability Confirmation
Responder: JPMorgan Chase Bank – Commercial Bank Services
Form: (Debt)
Questions? 1-317-236-5364
This includes Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, London, Spain (Madrid), Milan, Paris, Zurich and Luxembourg Submission Forms
Responder: (Select appropriate region Responder)
- JPMorgan Netherlands – Amsterdam
- JPMorgan Belgium – Brussels
- JPMorgan Bank Luxembourg S.A., Dublin
- JPMorgan Germany – Frankfurt
- JPMorgan – London
- JPMorgan Spain
- JPMorgan Chase Bank (for Milan)
- JPMorgan France – Paris
- JPMorgan Switzerland – Zurich
- EMEA - Asset
- EMEA - Liability
Questions? 1-317-236-5364 (International charges apply) Submission Forms
- JPMorgan South Africa
- ZA – Liability
- ZA – Derivative
- ZA – Signatories
- ZA – Asset
Questions? 1-317-236-5364 (International charges apply)