Ways to lower your heating bill

Key highlights:
- Making thoughtful adjustments to your thermostat settings and overall heat usage can help lower your heating bill.
- Preventing heat loss is an important factor in keeping your heating bill low, so look for ways to seal leaks and insulate drafty areas.
- Homeowners should consider investing in regular HVAC maintenance, window replacement and updated insulation for long-term savings.
Utilities are a good place to look for savings when you’re trying to manage costs in your overall budget. For those located in cold areas or areas that experience harsh winters, heating can be a major factor in monthly expenses. Fortunately, saving on home heating may be possible with a few simple adjustments to your habits or heating system.
In this article, we’ll dive into a range of solutions that can potentially help you reduce your home heating costs without sacrificing comfort. Many common sense solutions can be implemented immediately for home heating savings. Other solutions may require more significant up-front costs, with the potential for greater savings over time.
Optimize your thermostat settings
Most modern homes are outfitted with an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) system controlled by a centrally located thermostat. Before you consider major changes to your system, see if you can lower your heating bill by making small temperature adjustments or swapping out your thermostat for one that's more efficient.
Manually adjust your thermostat
The temperature you set at home has a direct impact on your bottom line, so it’s important to look for opportunities to reduce the temperature when possible. Unless you have temperature-sensitive houseplants or pets, try to remember to turn down the heat when you’re preparing to go out. Many people also find that reducing the temperature at bedtime is tolerable. Additionally, reducing your temperature by an average of 1-2 degrees may lower your heating bill without a noticeable difference in comfort.
Invest in a programmable thermostat
If you own your home or can request this change from your landlord, a programmable thermostat can provide you with more options to conveniently lower your heating bill. Newer thermostats tend to offer the ability to set a schedule for different temperatures. Certain smart models also offer energy usage tracking which can help inform your daily regimen. Others have advanced features that allow you to adjust remotely from your phone, or track your location so that your home’s temperature is automatically lowered when you leave the house.
Minimize heat loss to reduce heating bills
Heat loss is common, especially in older buildings. If your space feels drafty or your system is running constantly, you may need to make changes to reduce heat loss and save money on heating at home.
Identify and seal leaks
Windows and doors are common spots to find leaks letting heat out and cold air in. Usually, it’s easy to feel where the leaks are coming from—you may notice you feel a draft when standing by a certain window or exterior doors. Applying weather stripping or cold-weather caulk can help reduce drafts around leaky windows and door frames. Exterior-facing doors can also be outfitted with door sweeps, which are often made of nylon brush or silicone material to limit heat loss near the floor.
Further solutions for drafty windows
Because windows are such big offenders when it comes to heat loss, you may find that you need more coverage once all leaks have been addressed. Newer window panes are often treated (“double-glazed”) for better efficiency, and sometimes the best solution is to fully replace old windows. When this isn’t an option, you may want to invest in thick curtains or cover your windows with a durable, translucent plastic to save on your heating bill.
Assess your insulation
If you own your home, you may need to expand or update the insulation in your attic, walls and floors to reduce heat loss. Insulation materials can degrade over time and become less effective, contributing to drafts in the home and higher heating costs. Working with an insulation professional can help identify areas where insulation has worn out or areas that were never properly insulated to begin with.
Schedule regular HVAC maintenance
Most systems require maintenance once or twice a year to stay efficient. During a maintenance appointment, your HVAC professional will replace system filters, remove blockages and tune-up your furnace. During your appointment, you may also learn about the overall energy efficiency of your furnace. Like with any other household appliance, furnaces eventually become worn out or outdated, requiring replacement for better functionality and utility savings.
Save on heating bills with supplemental heat sources
To save on your heating bill, you may want to supplement your HVAC system with the use of a space heater or heated blanket. While space heaters are often less energy efficient than other home appliances, a modern appliance used sparingly may still offset overall costs. For example, if you have a large home but only find yourself using a small portion of it during key hours, the energy used by a space heater may be less costly than heating the entire house. Similarly, using a heated blanket while relaxing could provide comfort without tweaking the thermostat.
In conclusion
The cheapest way to heat your home will depend on a range of factors, including the age of your home and whether you rent or own. Starting with small adjustments, such as programming or replacing your thermostat and patching leaks, can help make a dent in your bill before you need to consider more intensive solutions. Don’t forget that even small changes can lead to significant savings over time, keeping you warm and comfortable without breaking the bank.