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Course: Getting strategic with cash flow

Part 3


5 minute read

Use your space wisely

With an ever-changing market, your real estate deserves a critical eye on a regular basis. Extra space is nice, but it can be a drain on resources if it’s not adding enough value to your business.

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Get the most value from your footprint

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Every square foot costs money. Evaluate whether you can do the same amount of work with less space.

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Consider a different location

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Location has a big effect on the price of real estate. Explore whether your current location is working toward your goals.

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Bargain with your property owner

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Property owners might have an incentive to negotiate.

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Decide whether to rent or buy

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Compare mortgage payments and maintenance costs with short-term cash flow needs and long-term business benefits.

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Lean on experts

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A trusted advisor or other experts might be able to share insights that can help you find a real estate solution.