Course: Getting strategic with cash flow
Part 1
6 minute read
Complications can cause delays
Marsha knows when to spend and when to save for her business based on its needs. But you can’t plan for everything. Maybe expenses one month are higher than anticipated. Maybe a new business opportunity presents itself. Things happen. Having a safety net for your business can help ensure that these deviations won’t stop you from moving forward.
Let's zoom in on how Marsha handled complications as they arose throughout the seasons.
Side 1 of 2

Side 1 of 2
- Tap into credit for Memorial Day, graduation, Independence Day and general summer party supplies
- Make minimal inventory purchases after July 4th
- Sell off or return surplus inventory to suppliers
Side 1 of 2

Side 1 of 2
- Make minimal inventory purchases and decrease staffing
- Sell off or return surplus winter holiday inventory to suppliers
- Spend cash from savings reserves
- Add to reserves from Valentine’s Day sales