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Auto selling


Even if it's not your first time selling, there are pitfalls to avoid and these resources can help smooth the way.

The basics of selling a car

Though make, model and brand affect resale value, other factors such as how you maintain and use it can cause a car’s resale value to fluctuate.

selling a car
How to sell a car: Tips & pitfalls to avoid

Do you want to cash in on your used car but are unsure where to start? Learn how to sell a car and get the most money for your vehicle while saving time.

selling a car
How to sell a car with a lien

You can still sell your car, even if you haven’t paid off your car loan. Here’s how to sell a car with a lien.

selling a car
How to trade in a car with negative equity

If you have just found out you owe more than your car is worth, you may be wondering how to get rid of a car with negative equity. Here are the options.

More about selling a car

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